Mass Schedule for
Ash Wednesday
March 5th
Welcome to the St. Joseph Family !!!
As soon as you walk through the doors, we consider you part of our family, and if you would like to officially register to be a parishioner, please click here and fill out our online form.
Registration for Religious Education Classes for 2024-2025 is now open!! Please use the QR code below to register for grades K-7th!!
Classes for K-4th will be at 10:15-11:15am on Sunday mornings (dropoff will be at 10:05am)
Classes for 5th-7th will be from 7pm-8pm on Tuesday nights
Registration for Confirmation Classes 2024-2025 are now open. Please use QR code to register !!
7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am
7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am
Monday - Friday
7am, 8:30am
8:30am, 5:00pm (vigil)
Weekly reading

Weekly reading
© Liturgical Publications Inc
Readings for the week of March 30, 2025
- Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12 / Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 (9a) / 2 Cor 5:17-21 / Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
- Scrutiny: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a / Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 (1) / Eph 5:8-14 /
- Jn 9: 1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
- Monday: Is 65:17-21 / Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b / Jn 4:43-54
- Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12 / Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 / Jn 5:1-16
- Wednesday: Is 49:8-15 / Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18 / Jn 5:17-30
- Thursday: Ex 32:7-14 / Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23 / Jn 5:31-47
- Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22 / Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23 / Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30